Oil Painting Brushes

Enhance your oil painting experience with our collection of oil painting brushes. Crafted with precision and designed for artists of all levels, these brushes offer exceptional control, durability, and versatility. From bristle brushes to sable brushes, we provide a wide range of options to suit your painting style and preferences. Whether you're working on fine details or bold strokes, our oil painting brushes are the perfect companions for your creative journey. Explore our selection and discover the tools that will enrich your oil paintings
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5 products
Winsor & Newton Artisan Brushes - Short Flat Long Handle

Winsor & Newton Artisan Brushes - Short Flat Long Handle

2 reviews
£9.80 - £26.65
£7.50 - £20.39
Winsor & Newton Artisan Brushes - Filbert Long Handle

Winsor & Newton Artisan Brushes - Filbert Long Handle

4 reviews
£9.80 - £17.25
£7.50 - £13.20
Winsor & Newton Artisan Brushes - ROUND - Long Handle

Winsor & Newton Artisan Brushes - ROUND - Long Handle

5 reviews
£9.80 - £14.85
£7.50 - £11.36
Winsor & Newton Artisan Brushes - FAN - Long Handle

Winsor & Newton Artisan Brushes - FAN - Long Handle

2 reviews
£9.80 - £11.30
£7.50 - £8.64
Winsor & Newton Artisan Brushes - FLAT - Long Handle

Winsor & Newton Artisan Brushes - FLAT - Long Handle

5 reviews
£9.80 - £14.85
£7.50 - £11.36