Image of Winsor and Newton Professional Watercolour Dot Card

Winsor and Newton Professional Watercolour Dot Card

SKU: 0190814
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£19.50(SAVE 13%)
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Key features

Dot Card includes 109 watercolour paint dots.

Try out the full range without committing to a full tube or pan.

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Customer Reviews

/ 5

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Recent reviews

  • Excellent product!

    Now this will help me understand the W&N range!

    - Nicky Alvarez from Wattle Grove, Australia on Oct 16, 2020
    4 of 4 people found this review helpful. Did you?
  • Very useful for picking which pigment to get next

    Mostly loved this, I already had the basic 12 plus a few random ones I picked up over the years in tube form. But this sheet allowed me to see where my 'gaps' are. There's enough on there of each paint for the square and a bit to play around with which was very helpful. You can see how the pigments interact with any existing paints. I painted a few bookmarks from these and still have a bit left over!

    The only downside was that Viridian didn't seem to activate, it looked like cracked glossy acrylic and I wasn't able to test it at all which was a real shame because I was really looking forward to testing that one. But that didn't seem like a good enough reason to knock off a whole star for when more than 99% of it was perfect.

    - Ieva Sproge from Brighton, United Kingdom on May 29, 2021
    4 of 5 people found this review helpful. Did you?
  • Great product, fast delivery

    Arrived with very good delivery condition in quite short period of time. This product is great to explore different colours in Windsor palette, before purchasing bigger size tubes.

    - Yeawon Choi from London, United Kingdom on Jan 12, 2021
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