Image of Oil Painting Step-by-Step

Oil Painting Step-by-Step

SKU: 9781782217824
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Oil Painting Step-by-Step by Noel Gregory, James Horton, Roy Lang and Michael Sanders is a practical and comprehensive guide for all oil painting enthusiasts.

Whether you're a beginner or a more experienced artist, this title includes plenty of guidance on getting the most out of oil painting. Advice is provided on materials, painting from photographs, colour and composition. The book inrtoduces basic techniques and works from there to include more advanced instruction of wet on wet, wet on dry, scumbling, dry brush, sgraffito, impasto and glazing. If you wish to avoid the use of harsh chemicals or solvents there is a section dedicated specifically to water mixable oils. There is a section on instand oil painting - in an intuitive, spontaneous way - for artists who wish to see quick results. Easy to follow step-by-step demonstrations show the reader how to paint landscapes, sea and sky, still life and flowers, and each section is accompanied by a selection of inspirational paintings by the four featured artists, in a rich variety of styles.

160 Page Paperback, 204 x 260 mm

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  • It changes things

    I got it to use with oil crayons and oil paper but it is so encouraging and teaches so much right away that I switched to CoBrA water mixable oils and canvas board

    - Alexis Moore from Coral Gables, USA on Sep 20, 2020
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