Running a low cost Art Exhibition in a Village Hall with maximum appeal using "INVISI" Display Easels
Many art Art Clubs do not have ready access to display screens and when do they either have storage or transport problems. One club member faced with this problem devised the Invisi lightweight display easel shown in use in this recent table top exhibition. You have a venue, a local village hall, say, so this is one way of making a good show.
Simply snap your Invisi Easels together and place as required. Any free areas of space and extra large pictures can utilise members own painting easels and an area for these will usually be found.
The relatively small investment in Invisi easels will be rewarded many,many times over.
Tip:- always fold and store your Invisi Easels flat and in a box. They will last many years if cared for.
Tip:- If using un-backed box canvases place a piece of card between the Easel and the Canvas to prevent indentations.
Tip:- Stamp the Easels with your Clubs name as they are attractive and have been known to be desired by others.
Invisi Easels are a copyright design and are available from Ken Bromley Art Supplies by Mail Order. Click Here.