Material Safety Data Sheets
The original system in the UK had been in place for over 40 years and had worked very well in protecting people and the environment. However different countries have different rules and classifications, so the GHS (Global Harmonised System) came into being.
Under REACH and EU directives our Zest-it® products from 2015, just like others in the UK, will have different labelling and wording, although the products themselves have not changed.
It can all seem very confusing, hopefully the 'pictograms' shown below will go someway to explain.
The 'orange square with the black cross' which indicated by the word 'Harmful'. |
has been replaced with a diamond shape like this but also covers other things. |
The orange square with the 'dead/fish/tree' symbol |
has changed to the diamond shape with the same image and also covers other things. |
The 'orange square/black cross' which indicated by |
has changed to an exclamation mark to indicate Irritation and other things. |
Under this new system all MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheets) need to be changed to reflect these alterations, they will now be referred to as SDS (Safety Data Sheets) show the new symbol's and amended wording.
Please note:- The information contained below is still valid and is retained for that reason, also because of numerous links. The product is still the same, just the labels and wording has changed as indicated by the information above.
Zest-it® is made here in the UK from 'pure food grade' ingredients - the zest from the peel of oranges, which is why it smells of oranges i.e. citrus smell. It does not mix with water.
Zest-it is not what is commonly referred to as 'citrus thinner'. Zest-it Solvent is the base product without the citrus element.
This citrus oil would, for most people, be too strong to use on it's own. So it is diluted with a non-ozone depleting Aliphatic Hydrocarbon type solvent, that is non-toxic, non-flammable and with a low vapour pressure. The 'low vapour pressure' means there is very little emission of any part of Zest-it to the atmosphere.
The product has undergone much testing, both here in the UK and in the USA. The Environmental Health and Safety test products for personal exposure, with regards to irritation of the skin and eyes; ingestion and inhalation - of the original undiluted product. If you wonder why it has a 'harmful' notice on the label, click here
(This is a legal document changing altering or misrepresenting the information is illegal and dangerous)
To help members of the general public who use our products, the following information for Zest-it® is taken from the MSDS. It is explained in 'easy to understand' terms with the First Aid measures.
Skin irritation has four categories -
1 for non-irritating - must rate between 0.00 and 1.90;
2 for moderately irritating - must rate between 2.00 and 4.90;
3 for Primary skin irritant - rated 5.00 and over;
4 for corrosive.
Zest-it comes into category 1 with a score of 0.02.
If your skin already shows any form of sensitivity in the way of dermatitis or a know skin allergy, then Nitrile gloves are recommended. Zest-it removes oil paint from brushes, and because it removes oils, it can also remove your skins natural oils (see *), so prolonged contact may cause skin dryness and cracking.
As always when you are painting, 'common sense' needs to prevail, if you know you always have 'wet' hands from using solvents, then frequent washing with a good quality soap, that puts the oils back into your skin, is an excellent painting practice.
(First Aid measures - Wash with soap and water; remove any contaminated clothing and shoes wash with soap and water rinse thoroughly.).
Eye irritation has four categories also -
1 for non-irritating - must rate between 0.00 and 15.00
2 for slightly irritating - must rate between 15.10 and 25.00 (the effects clear within 7 days)
3 for moderately irritating - must rate between 25.10 and 50.00 (the effects clear within 21 days)
4 for severely irritating (or corrosive) (the effects persist for 21 days or more)
Zest-it comes into category 1 with a score of 0.00.
Again 'common sense' is needed, if you know you splash the solvent around then wear protective goggles.
(First Aid measures - flush well with water for up to 15 minutes holding the eye open; remove contact lens; If irritation persists consult a Doctor. )
Ingestion (eating or drinking) of the original undiluted product has three categories -
3 for highly toxic - less than 50 milligrams per kilogram of body weight.
2 for toxic - between 50 and 5000 milligrams per kg of body weight.
1 for non-toxic - more than 5000 milligrams per kg of body weight.
Zest-it comes into category 1 and has a score of 17,750 milligrams per kg of body weight.
So if you weigh about 8 stone/51 kg you would need to ingest about 1 litre (just under 2 imperial pints) before it became lethal, but for a child weighing only 1 stone/6 Kg then the quantity would be 130 ml (just over ¼ of a imperial pint), hence 'keep out of reach of children'.
(First Aid measures - May cause lung damage if swallowed. If swallowed Do Not induce vomiting. Give water or milk. If vomiting occurs keep head low. Seek medical advice). See note below.
Inhalation (breathing) of the original product has three categories -
3 Highly toxic - less than 2 milligrams per litre by volume when inhaled continuously for an hour or less.
2 Toxic - more than 2 milligrams but less than 200 milligrams per litre by volume when inhaled continuously for an hour or less.
1 Non-Toxic - more than 200 milligrams per litre by volume when inhaled continuously for an hour or more.
Zest-it is classed as Non-toxic being rated 800/1200 milligrams per litre by volume, therefore adequate natural ventilation will suffice in most instances.
(First Aid measures - Remove patient to fresh air, keep at rest and seek medical advice).
Carcinogenicity listing - NPT - None; IARC - None; OSHA - None; ACGIH - None.
Flammability - Don't forget, the higher the materials flash point, the less flammable it is. -
A flash point of between 30 - 40 ºC is flammable.
Zest-it has a flash point of 68ºC and is therefore classed as Non-flammable, but like most solvents it is best kept away from sources of ignition.
Fire fighting measures -
Do not breathe smoke - use sand or soil.
Firemen: Water fog, CO², dry powder or foam. The use of water streams should be avoided as this will tend to spread the fire. Burning product will liberate CO² and possibly CO.
Avoid breathing smoke, wear self contained breathing apparatus where necessary.
Accidental release measures -
Spillage can be a slip hazard. Turn leaking container leak side up to prevent further escape.
Avoid sparks, flames; Contain and absorb with dry sand, soil or oil absorbent, dispose of as dry oil waste. Do not use sawdust. Used or contaminated product should not be allowed to enter streams or sewers.
Handling and storage -
Do not handle or use near open flames or sources of ignition. Store in its original container; Keep container closed when not in use. Store in cool well ventilated place away from sources of ignition.
Personal Protection -
Use in a ventilated place. Keep away from feed, foodstuffs and beverages. Wash and dry hands before breaks and at end of work. Do not spray or inhale mists and aerosols. Types of protective equipment - select for the specific workplace.
Stability and reactivity -
Stable under recommended transport and storage conditions. Avoid open flames and sources of ignition. As with any organic material combustion will liberate carbon dioxide and/or carbon monoxide. Avoid contact with strong oxidising agents. If heated irritating vapours may be formed.
Toxicological -
Only large volumes may adversely impact human health. Pneumonia may be the result if vomited material containing solvent reaches the lungs. The substance has no evidence of carcinogenic properties. The substance has no evidence of mutagenic properties. The substance has no evidence of toxicity to reproduction or the unborn.
Ecological -
The product is not expected to be hazardous to the environment. Not considered toxic to fish. No products are tested on animals. The product is slowly degradable and not bioaccumulating. Readily absorbed into soil. Evaporates easily from all surfaces.
Disposal considerations -
In its virgin state it may be disposed of as oil waste. Used or contaminated waste should be disposed of in accordance with the Contaminant.
This means if the product contains oil paint pigment/sludge it should not be thrown down the sink, put onto dry sand or soil before disposing.
Transportation information -
This product does not require a classification for transport below 5 Litre quantity. ADR 2017 SP 375 (Special Provision): Not a Marine pollutant.
Note: Zest-it has a Harmful notice on the label stating 'may cause lung damage if swallowed' this is because, if the product was swallowed and the person vomited, and the vomit entered the lungs, it could cause bronchopneumonia.
It also states 'may cause skin dryness and cracking' this is because prolonged contact - keeping the hands wet with Zest-it - will remove the natural oils from the skin, causing the skin to dry and further prolonged contact can cause cracking. Hence the label states 'wash hands after use'.
(This is a legal document changing altering or misrepresenting the information is illegal and dangerous)
(see *) Note: Someone complained that 'Zest-it made their skin crawl' - on further investigation, it appears they had washed their hands in Zest-it, but, not afterwards with soap & water - and carried on working! Two cups of coffee, plus one toilet visit and still the hands had not been washed in soap and water! 4 hours after the event the back of their hands 'felt as if the skin was crawling' - reason; the skins natural oils in the pores being dissolved. Remedy; very thoroughly wash hands with soap and water, dry well and apply hand lotion, the sensation soon dissipates - the instructions on the back label of bottles are there for a reason!
***Since the user's working conditions are not know to us, the information supplied on this data page is based on our level of knowledge and on national regulations.
It is at all times the responsibility of the user to take all necessary measures to comply with safety precautions, legal requirements and local regulations.
The information on this safety page must be regarded as a description of the safety requirements relating to the mixture and not a guarantee of the properties thereof.***